Food & Mood: Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition
For anyone wanting to explore the relationship between nutrition and brain health.
Help us achieve our mission to bridge the gap between food and mood research and real-world practice.
Find out howFor anyone wanting to explore the relationship between nutrition and brain health.
Professional development for psychiatrists and other health professionals working as part of a mental health team.
Professional development for all health care practitioners working as part of a mental health team.
Food and mood education available to anyone, anywhere, anytime!
“I really enjoyed the course. The content presented was easy to follow, and there was a lot of supplementary material to read, if one wished to do so. The information provided was easy to transfer into practice, and I really liked that the tutors constantly encouraged participants to share their thoughts and ideas every step of the course.”
– Rita C. from the course Food and Mood: Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition