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‘Doing your own research’ – what you need to know

At the Food & Mood Centre, we are often contacted by the general public asking us questions about a new therapy (device, product, supplement, program, ‘super food’) they have heard about in the news or online. Or perhaps one that they perceive has helped them manage their mental health...

Looking through the lens at how food can improve our mood

Diet is now a recognised modifiable factor in the prevention and treatment of mental illness. In fact, the recently updated Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists’ clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders included addressing lifestyle factors, including supporting a healthy diet, as a foundation for the treatment of...

Is a sustainable diet sustainable for your wallet?

We’re told to reduce, reuse, recycle when it comes to sustainability, yet despite our food systems being one of the leading causes of environmental damage, how often is our diet in the conversation when it comes to taking care of the planet? Through deforestation, carbon and methane emissions, food...

The Notorious UPF: what is ultra-processed food and how does it affect our health?

Close to half of the calories eaten by Australians each day come from ultra-processed foods. New research from our team at the Food & Mood Centre has linked these foods to poor health and early death. But what are ultra-processed foods and why should we pay more attention to...

Bugs for your brain? The effect of prebiotics, probiotics and fermented foods on cognition

When it comes to health, we’re all after a quick fix, but new research shows neither popping a prebiotic or probiotic pill, or consuming fermented foods, has an effect on boosting our brain power. So, does this mean you should throw out those pills and kefir for good? Not...

Lactobacillus and anxiety: what’s the link?

How our gut microbiome could help reduce anxiety and its potential effects on the most common antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication. Interactions between the gut and anxiety Oftentimes, when we’re nervous or worried we feel it in our belly. We may feel nauseous or need to run for the bathroom....

Biting off more than you can chew: Do we eat more when consuming low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets?

In a world where the overconsumption of food is increasing, which diet would you put your money on to promote eating less? According to a recent landmark study, something about ketogenic, low-carbohydrate diets make us more likely to overeat – but the story is more complicated than it may...

Should I test my gut microbes to improve my health?

People are paying hundreds of dollars to have their gut microbes analysed, hoping the insights will allow them to adjust their diet and improve their health. But these testing services are based on science that’s still in its infancy, as we explain in our research paper. So while there...

Food and Mood – Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition

Online Course through Deakin University and FutureLearn In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, many of us will find ourselves with a lot more time in our homes. If, like me, you have spent the first few weeks of social isolation incessantly scrolling through social media and the grim...