Donate Deakin

Results from our world-first faecal microbial transplant (FMT) study

Food & Mood researchers have published a new study investigating how FMT may be used in the real world for people experiencing depression. Prior research has shown that people experiencing major depressive disorder have a different gut microbiota compared to people without depression. Some studies have also shown that...

Bugs for your brain? The effect of prebiotics, probiotics and fermented foods on cognition

When it comes to health, we’re all after a quick fix, but new research shows neither popping a prebiotic or probiotic pill, or consuming fermented foods, has an effect on boosting our brain power. So, does this mean you should throw out those pills and kefir for good? Not...

Biting off more than you can chew: Do we eat more when consuming low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets?

In a world where the overconsumption of food is increasing, which diet would you put your money on to promote eating less? According to a recent landmark study, something about ketogenic, low-carbohydrate diets make us more likely to overeat – but the story is more complicated than it may...

Should I test my gut microbes to improve my health?

People are paying hundreds of dollars to have their gut microbes analysed, hoping the insights will allow them to adjust their diet and improve their health. But these testing services are based on science that’s still in its infancy, as we explain in our research paper. So while there...

Food and Mood – Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition

Online Course through Deakin University and FutureLearn In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, many of us will find ourselves with a lot more time in our homes. If, like me, you have spent the first few weeks of social isolation incessantly scrolling through social media and the grim...

Complex systems and mental health

It’s widely known that how we fuel and move our bodies can influence our physical health, and of great interest to the Food & Mood Centre, it can also influence our mental health. We also now know that the factors influencing what we eat and how we engage in...

Gut microbiota and diet: an introduction

Over the past decade, interest in the gut microbiome has grown as efforts to measure its composition and function have developed. We now know that we have more bugs within and on us than we do human cells, and some consider us more bacterial than Homo sapien. What is...

Could Diet Improve Your Quality of Life?

There is a constant barrage of advice from the media that healthy diet is critical for our physical health. However, recent research has found that diet and exercise does not only affects our physical health, but may also improve our mental health. For example, a recent study (performed here...

The Alzheimer’s disease puzzle Part 2: Clues from the microbiome

In the previous article, we discussed limitations of current drug treatment approaches for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the growing understanding about the importance of lifestyle and health behaviours. This is where the gut microbiome comes in. How could the microbiome be involved? The bidirectional communication that takes place between...