Contact Us
Please note that while we try to respond to all enquires, due to the volume of emails that we receive, we are unable to reply to everyone.
We also cannot provide medical or individualised dietary advice. For all queries regarding treating and management of mental illness, please consult with your medical doctor.
Media Enquiries

For all media enquiries, please contact media@deakin.edu.au

If you are an organisation or research group interested in collaboration with the Food & Mood Centre, please complete the form selecting ‘Collaboration Enquiry’. Please provide as much detail as possible about your proposed project.
Speaking opportunities
If you would like to request Professor Felice Jacka, Professor Adrienne O’Neill, Dr Tetyana Rocks, or one of the members of the Food & Mood Centre to speak at an upcoming engagement, please complete the form with relevant details of the engagement including the target audience, expected audience size and required dates. Please note that speaking fees will apply.
Volunteer/Undertake a placement with us
We are incredibly grateful to all of our wonderful volunteers and placement students who have contributed to improving our research in nutritional psychiatry. Available opportunities for Deakin students will advertised on DeakinTALENT online jobs and internships board.
Research opportunities / Internships
For enquiries regarding research opportunities with us or internships please complete the form below selecting ‘Researcher Enquiry’. Ensure that you also include the required documentation for your application to be considered.
For enquiries regarding participating in research trials or contributing to our research programs please complete the Friends of the Food & Mood Centre form.