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What is the OPTIMISM trial?

OPTIMISM is a four-week study that aims to compare the effects of two dietary patterns on depressive symptoms and other health outcomes among adults with and without depression. All meals and snacks will be provided to participants for the duration of the trial.

How are we doing this trial?

We are recruiting 44 adults with depression, and 22 adults without depression, from the Geelong and Melbourne regions. Participants will be randomly allocated to one of two dietary patterns and must only consume the meals and snacks provided to them for four weeks. We will measure changes in depressive symptoms, and other symptoms such as anxiety and gut symptoms, over this period. We will also collect blood and stool samples, which will provide information about how the different dietary patterns may impact participants.

What do we hope to find?

This trial aims to improve understanding of how food can influence depressive symptoms.

If you are interested in finding more about this study please visit this link.