Investigating GastroIntestinal disturbances in Eating Disorders (The IGI-ED Study)
Why is this important?
Gastrointestinal problems, including bloating, fullness, and constipation, are common and debilitating experiences for individuals living with an eating disorder. In fact, more than 90% of individuals living with an eating disorder report gastrointestinal problems, and these may interfere with treatment strategies. We’re interested in how gastrointestinal problems may be linked to quality of life, eating disorder symptom severity, and engagement with treatment.
How are we doing this study?
The study aims to recruit 160 participants, aged over 18 and living with an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or atypical anorexia). Participation in the study involves completing an online survey on one occasion. Participants will be asked to answer questions about eating disorder symptoms, quality of life, and gastrointestinal symptoms.
What are we hoping to find?
This study aims to test if there is a relationship between gastrointestinal symptoms and quality of life in individuals living with an eating disorder. This study will also explore the experiences of gastrointestinal symptoms in individuals living with an eating disorder. Results from this study will increase understanding of gastrointestinal symptoms among individuals living with an eating disorder and inform future research directions.
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